Peteinaros, Mykonos, Cyclades, Greece, 84600

About Apoktima
Dear Sirs,
The Real Estate Agent Office APOKTIMA is located in Mykonos, with new Branch Office now in Athens, and it's specialized to the buying, selling and leasing of Real Estate Property. Our target is to focus our notice to your special needs and to provide the preconditions for the right choice of real estate property and your absolute possible satisfaction.
Why to choose Mykonos?
Mykonos since the decade of '70 has developed an impressive economical & touristic development and this diachronism attracts every year Greeks and foreigner vacationers, who prefer her for permanent aestival mainly, place of their vacations. This has as a result especially during the last years to exist am ascend at the purchase of land for residence erection, at the buying of ready residences, but also at the investment of professionals, as for the erection of hotel units, as for the erection of the erection of residences complexes for professional exploitation (hire or selling).
At the same time, because of the great touristic movement, many eponymous companies, which are active at the area of the jewels, the dressing, but also eponymous restaurants and clubs, have chosen the island to open their Branch Offices, and thus to advertise their work to the eponymous and anonymous visitors, that deluge Mykonos every year from all the lengths and amplitudes of the earth.
All the above make many of you to desire to choose Mykonos either to acquire a residence, either to expand your professional activities. We, from our side, are eager to give you the right directions, thus your choice to be excellent and effectual.
Why to choose us?
Our Mycenaean background and our avocation for twenty years with the area of selling at Mykonos, give us the opportunity to have excellent personal contact with the people, as well as the knowledge for everything that happens at the area of the Real Estate Property. At the same time our integral organization, aloud us, with responsible and accurate manner to propose you the proper solutions for your right investment choice. For every moreover information don't hesitate to communicate with us.